Welcome to Members Area!

This area has been created for our Members to support your coaching journey. It contains various tools as well as the coaching forms, formats and charts that you will need to use from time to time.

You will receive your sign-in password after you have signed up for a coaching program.

This Area has been created for Members in an effort to support communications and business building activities.

You will receive your sign-in password when you begin your training and sign your License with CLI. Members may receive ‘Sign-in’ assistance by contacting CLI at +1-250-652-5390 or 1-866-CLI-HELPS or 1-866-254-4357 or john@coachingandleadership.com.

Terms and Conditions: The permission to use materials, tools, techniques and downloadable items under the Members Area which are copy right protected, is solely for the purpose of getting coached and cannot be replicated and distributed to any other persons.
